In his speech on the occasion of the centenary of Muhammad Shamdin Agha's death, His Beatitude Patriarch Sako stated: "Our celebration today, marking … [Read more...]
The Citizenship Education Program at the House of Books and Documents in Baghdad
The Masarat Foundation for Cultural and Media Development, in collaboration with the House of Books and Documents in Baghdad, organized a central … [Read more...]
The Department of Relations with Civil Society Organizations at the Integrity Commission discusses anti-corruption with civil society.
The Masarat Foundation for Cultural and Media Development participated in the specialized seminar (The Role of Democratic Systems in Combating … [Read more...]
The participation of Masarat Foundation in the events of the conference on combating hate speech in Iraq.
Masarat Foundation participated in the conference held at the Conference Palace titled "Combating Hate Speech and Rebuilding Trust in Iraqi Society." … [Read more...]
Young people in Duhok hold a workshop to study the causes and effects of hate speech
A group of activists in media and social media met in the city of Duhok for an intensive workshop to exchange views on the causes and effects of the … [Read more...]
A workshop for exchanging ideas with the youth of Dhi Qar to combat hate speech
Activists in Dhi Qar discussed ways and mechanisms to confront #hate_speech, methods to stop it, and how to control it, as well as avoiding being … [Read more...]
Masarat Participating In The People’s Road Festival
Masarat participated in the ninth People's Road Festival held in the Abu Nuwas gardens in the capital Baghdad, near the statue of Shahrazad and … [Read more...]
Masarat participate in empowering educators in Sinjar.
As part of programs aimed at empowering and activating the role of teachers and educators in the community, implemented by #House of coexistence in … [Read more...]
Young people in Sinjar continue to form a Citizens Against Hate team.
The Masarat Foundation for Cultural and Media Development held a workshop in the city of Sinjar, gathering a select group of the city's youth, aimed … [Read more...]
Sports Hatreds… South Korea and Iraq
Since yesterday, when #SouthKorea won against our team, 16 news agencies in Korea have been monitored in both Korean and English, along with 50 pages … [Read more...]
The General Coordinator of the Masarat Foundation wins a new International Award
Masarat/ Frankfurt The ZÊD Foundation announced that Dr. Saad Salloum won its prize for human solidarity. The award ceremony took place at the State … [Read more...]
Masarat holds a consultative conference in Baghdad for legislating a law against hate speech.
A consultative conference was held in Baghdad by the Masarat institution for legislating a law against hate speech. The conference, which took … [Read more...]
The international Forum of Berlin discusses the challenges of Iraq and the region.
Under the title of "The International Forum of Berlin", The European Community of Religions (EGRD), with the cooperation of Masarat and many German … [Read more...]
The start of the work of the Berlin International Forum
The capital of Germany has witnessed the start of the work of the Berlin International forum, which was organized by Masarat Institution and a number … [Read more...]
Celebrating Dr. Saad Salloum and Masarat Institution in the Mandaean center in Baghdad.
The International and Iraqi Sabian Mandaean communities celebrated Dr Saad Salloum and the efforts of Masarat Institution in an honouring ceremony on … [Read more...]
On the occasion of receiving Ibn Rushd Prize for the Freedom of Thought in Berlin, Saad Salloum warns of the dangers of the termination of diversity in the Arab world.
The winner of the Ibn Rushd Prize for the Freedom of Thought in Berlin 2022 Dr. Saad Salloum warned of the dangers of the termination of diversity in … [Read more...]
The winner of the Ibn Rushd Prize for the Freedom of Thought calls for the criminalization of hate speech in the Arab world.
As he received Ibn Rushd Prize for the Freedom of Thought on Thursday the 8th of September 2022 in Berlin, the general coordinator of Masarat … [Read more...]
Masarat launches the events of its program that enact legislation for hate speech prevention
A consultative meeting was held by Masarat Institution for Cultural and Media Development to discuss the possibilities and evaluation of enacting … [Read more...]
Once again, The camp of coexistence was launched
A total of 27 students, mothers, and teachers of various religions and ethnicities have participated in the activities of the summer camp that was … [Read more...]
The Vise-Chairman of The Bet-Nahrain Democratic Party Joseph Selewa congratulates Masarat
The former parliamentarian and The Vise-Chairman of The Bet-Nahrain Democratic Party Joseph Selewa extended his congratulations to Masarat … [Read more...]
Masarat, a new team monitoring and analyzing conflicts
Masarat Institution for Culture and Media Development with the cooperation of The Konrad Adenauer Foundation continues to work on the workshop on … [Read more...]
Saad Salloum and Masarat Wins Ibn Rushd Prize for the Freedom of Thought 2022
The Ibn Rushd Prize for the Freedom of Thought 2022 was co-awarded to Dr. Saad Salloum, an Iraqi expert on diversity and a champion in advocating … [Read more...]
The national center of hate speech prevention detects 6394 hate massage daily, throughout only one week that’s from the 29th of July to the 5th of August.
The camp of coexistence arrives in Lalish
A group of 110 people of those who participated in the camp of coexistence visited the holy temple of Lalish.The group which consisted of students, … [Read more...]
Cultural diversity in Iraq creates a great food experience
In a great step to see the resources that can appear in a society of diverse religions, nations and ethnicities, a group of fifty women from various … [Read more...]